One AI for creative needs!


Frist things first, below are some cool prompts ideas to try:

Add "hyperrealistic full length portrait of" before name of model,
   Example: "hyperrealistic full length portrait of Mihira khan" gave below result:

Same person in different emotions, Leave seed blank for first run, then use seed generated in subsequent runs

Prompt "portrait of Mihira khan" Emotion: Default
Prompt "portrait of Mihira khan" Emotion: sad , seed: 10295
Prompt "portrait of Mihira khan" Emotion: angry, seed: 10295
Prompt "portrait of Mihira khan" Emotion: excited, seed: 10295

Reach us at for suggestions

Other general guidelines:
If prompt fails, it is probably due to NSFW content, try adding or removing commas or change some words in your prompt
If page is stuck, do not refresh page or use back button, instead click the link again accessing menu

Let your imagination run wild, hope you like your creations
